You must maintain a clean driving record for the six months prior to your turning 18.Except in emergencies, you may not use any kind of cell phone or mobile device, even a hands-free one.After the first year, you may not carry more than one passenger in the front seat.For the first twelve months or until you turn 18, you may not carry more than one passenger under 20 years of age who is not a member of your immediate family.(Note: communities may impose their own local curfews as well.) Sunday through Thursday, or between 11 p.m. You may not drive unsupervised between 10 p.m.The initial license allows you to drive unsupervised at times, but with significant restrictions: It may be a Class D initial license or an initial Temporary Visitor Driver's License ( TVDL). The initial (teen) driver's license is the second stage of Illinois's Graduated Driver Licensing Program.